外国の露出回数優先 Vimeoのアクセス解析について
About access analysis of vimeo (foreign edition)
Vimeo’s access analysis can be analyzed from various points of view. This time, we are analyzing the uploaded country.
Of course, Japan is the top. USA, South Korea, Vietnam, Russia, Philippines, Thailand, Asian countries, Germany, France, Canada, Singapore, Nederland (Netherlands), etc. You can see that thumbnail images are exposed all over the world.
It is being played in the United States, the Netherlands and Vietnam.
Looking at this situation, the domestic market is important, but if many thumbnail images are available overseas, Japanese may not be understood. I have the feeling.
The economic power of Japan has grown and the number of foreigners coming to Japan has increased, which makes me feel that I can only communicate in English.
All vimeo.com sites are in English. Also, the videos uploaded are all in English. Looking at the access analysis of the web, there are quite a few foreign accesses.